使用齒輪油泵注意事項簡要分析Brief analysis of precautions for using gear oil pump
2022-04-20齒輪油泵適用于輸送多種有潤滑性的液體,溫度不高于70℃,如需高溫200℃,可配用以實際報告為主材料,粘度為5×10-5~1,5×10-3m2/S。本泵不適用于輸送腐蝕性的、含硬質顆?;蚶w維的、高度揮發或閃點低的液體。 Oil pump is suitable for conveying a variety of lubricating liquids. The temperature is not higher than 70 ℃. If the high temperature is required to be 200 ℃, it can be equipped with materials based on actual reports, with a viscosity of 5 × 10-5~1,5 × 10-3m2/S。 The pump is not suitable for conveying corrosive, hard particles or fibers, highly volatile or low flash point liquids. -
機械行業發展迅速,加快步伐The machinery industry has developed rapidly and accelerated its pace
2022-04-20液壓機的發展靠的是什么?一方面是“引進來”戰略,很多液壓機械行業領域內的企業都在一方面引進技術 What does the development of hydraulic press rely on? On the one hand, it is the "Introduction" strategy. Many enterprises in the hydraulic machinery industry are introducing technology on the other hand -
齒輪油泵的安裝方法和注意事項Installation method and precautions of gear oil pump
2022-04-20齒輪油泵主要依靠泵缸與嚙合齒輪間所形成的工作容積變化和移動來輸送液體或使之增壓的回轉泵。其安裝質量的好壞,直接影響到泵的使用。Installation method and precautions of gear oil pump -
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徐工山工550泵XCMG Shangong 550 pump
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加重型P泵Heavy duty P pump
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